Show Notes
We are both hitting some major growth right now in our businesses, and that means a lot of excitement and a lot of restructuring. We talk about project managing, hiring the right people, and the efforts we are putting into our marketing and lead generation.
Jordan recently went to Europe and met up with his team. He tells us how the trip went and the exciting milestone he saw while working with the Carthook team in Europe. Jordan has also had some people leave the company. He explains why they had to go and how he plans to bounce back.
Carthook’s marketing has stalled because of a sudden flux of customers, Jordan discusses his concerns and how he plans to fix the problem.
Brian has really sunk into his Facebook ad campaign. He is working to generate leads for Audience Ops and filter people into a funnel that will lead potential clients to a consultation. He explains the 3 step ad campaign and shares how it is working for him.
Brian is also hiring some new people and offers some advice for Jordan regarding his marketing problems.
[tweetthis]We only have a certain number of bullets to fire, in terms of people we can have inside the company. - Jordan[/tweetthis]
Here are our conversation points:
- Jordan’s trip to Europe.
- Brian’s Facebook ad campaign.
- Brian’s current hiring needs.
- How to create evergreen content for lead generation.
- Jordan’s concern about customer support quality.
- The “2 worlds” of Carthook.
- Why Trello isn’t working for Jordan and his team.
- How to discern what is urgent in your business.
- What are the expectations of a Project Manager?
- The difficulties of firing team members.
- Brian’s podcast relaunch.
- The 3 phases of online software.
- How to build a brand online.