Show Notes
It is summertime! We have some great travel plans in the works, but before we pack our bags we want to celebrate the small victories we have seen in our businesses.
Audience Ops podcasting is really starting to take off. Brian rehashes the road he took to get to this point and where he hopes it will to in future. He also updates the audience on Productize and shares some feedback he is putting to good use.
Jordan is experiencing some wild growth and is ready to ride this wave to wherever it might go. He shares a lesson about opening up decisions to the whole office and why it isn’t always a good idea.
It’s going to be a great summer! Tune in and join us!
[tweetthis]It used to be that the development was our bottleneck, we fixed that to such a degree that it's humming. - Jordan[/tweetthis]
Here are today’s conversation points:
- Jordan and Brian discuss their summer travel plans.
- Travel tips Brian learned from a guest on his podcast.
- Jordan’s disappointing decision and why he decided the way he did.
- An update on the Audience Ops podcasting service.
- The difference between the blogging service and the podcasting service.
- Carthook’s recent boost in activity.
- Why Jordan’s new process is so successful and there is a boost.
- What a great designer does for your product.
- The feedback Brian is getting regarding his Productize funnel and how it has improved.
- Why Brian doesn’t offer a payment plan.
- Jordan’s coaching update.
- Our struggles with diet and fitness.
- Brian’s Laravel update.