Show Notes
On today’s episode, we welcome Craig Hewitt and Justin Jackson to the podcast. Jordan is having some time away. On today’s episode Craig, Justin, and Brian all discuss how to build and keep a company on track. We discuss what drives us and what we’re working on at the moment. If you want to know how to plan a product or just try to set a trajectory for your business, this is the episode for you!
Craig is the CEO of Podcast Motor, a podcast editing and production service. Justin is the host of his own podcast Mega Maker 3000 and a teacher of marketing for developers. We all have great insights to growing a company and how we’ve been able to stay on track.
[tweetthis]I just really want to have a comfortable lifestyle, but also build valuable assets. - Brian[/tweetthis]
Here are today’s conversation points:
- Justin relaunch of Marketing for Developers.
- Brian’s update on Audience Ops.
- Craig’s update on Podcast Motor.
- The lessons we’ve learned from starting and maintaining our businesses.
- Our long term goals.
- The disadvantages of working solo.
- Why businesses choose to keep their companies small.
- Justin belief in doing something uncomfortable for growth.
- How you can over-plan.
- Why you need to look at the bigger picture.
- The importance of visibility and building relationships.
- How to use evergreen content.
- How we use automation in our businesses.
- What keeps our ambition going?