Launching a Podcasting Service / Learning to Code / Partner Webinars

MicroConf is right around the corner and Jordan is gearing up for his talk for the event. He bounces some topic ideas off Brian and reveals how his topic choices are reflecting what is happening in Carthook. The version 2 upgrade is finally working properly and Jordan and his team are seeing some major cultural shifts in the business. Brian has found himself with some downtime, so now he is thinking about new avenues for Audience Ops. Brian outlines his idea for a new service offered through Audience Ops. An done-for-you podcasting service. He gets Jordan’s feedback and really explores why he thinks podcasts are the next logical step for the business. He also drops a big announcement… Brian wants to learn to code. We have some interesting conversation about alternative content on this episode and some really useful reflections on the founder’s role within his company. [tweetthis]If somebody asked the most valuable thing you’ve learned the past months it would be related to our process. - Jordan[/tweetthis] Here are today’s conversation points: Get ready for MicroConf. Brian’s new service launch. Considerations for future podcast topics. Jordan’s March recap. Why Brian wants to launch a new service. The all-done-for-you podcast service breakdown. Brian’s small beta group for the new service and the results. The benefits of podcasting content. The second version of Carthook update. Jordan’s webinar experiment. The benefits of webinars. How to create pitch-hitter scenarios. How Carthook uses paid ads. The ad strategy Jordan used for the webinar. Brian’s results from his Productize webinar. Why Brian wants to learn to code. How to be a full stack product person. Jordan’s adjustment to a larger work team and changing the dynamic. [tweetthis]If you are a designer of web applications, you should have a full stack skillset. - Brian[/tweetthis] Resources Mentioned Today: Audience Ops Podcasting Service Bullet Train Carthook Castos
MicroConf is right around the corner and Jordan is gearing up for his talk for the event. He bounces some topic ideas off Brian and reveals how his topic choices are reflecting what is happening in Carthook. The version 2 upgrade is finally working properly and Jordan and his team are seeing some major cultural shifts in the business. Brian has found himself with some downtime, so now he is thinking about new avenues for Audience Ops. Brian outlines his idea for a new service offered through Audience Ops. An done-for-you podcasting service. He gets Jordan’s feedback and really explores why he thinks podcasts are the next logical step for the business. He also drops a big announcement… Brian wants to learn to code. We have some interesting conversation about alternative content on this episode and some really useful reflections on the founder’s role within his company. [tweetthis]If somebody asked the most valuable thing you’ve learned the past months it would be related to our process. - Jordan[/tweetthis] Here are today’s conversation points:
  • Get ready for MicroConf.
  • Brian’s new service launch.
  • Considerations for future podcast topics.
  • Jordan’s March recap.
  • Why Brian wants to launch a new service.
  • The all-done-for-you podcast service breakdown.
  • Brian’s small beta group for the new service and the results.
  • The benefits of podcasting content.
  • The second version of Carthook update.
  • Jordan’s webinar experiment.
  • The benefits of webinars.
  • How to create pitch-hitter scenarios.
  • How Carthook uses paid ads.
  • The ad strategy Jordan used for the webinar.
  • Brian’s results from his Productize webinar.
  • Why Brian wants to learn to code.
  • How to be a full stack product person.
  • Jordan’s adjustment to a larger work team and changing the dynamic.
[tweetthis]If you are a designer of web applications, you should have a full stack skillset. - Brian[/tweetthis]

Resources Mentioned Today:

Audience Ops Podcasting Service Bullet Train Carthook Castos MicroConf Ops Calendar Productize As always, thanks for tuning in. Head here to leave a  review on iTunes.
Launching a Podcasting Service / Learning to Code / Partner Webinars
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