The Next Chapter in the Product

It’s been a little while but Brian and Jordan are back behind the mics. On today’s episode, they’re talking about vacations, a long first week back, marketing, big news with Carthook, cold emails, and guest features. [tweetthis]“I wanted to get things moving and basically get things up and running, so I hired a marketer” - Brian [/tweetthis] Here are today’s conversation points: Carthook, Shopify, and working togetherHow Shopify worksWhat cold emailers get wrongConversion rates and automationInitial onboarding systems and portalsGuest featuresQuestioning ourselvesBenedict Deicke’s Tweet [tweetthis]“The wins don’t last very long. They just whiz by and then it’s just like, ‘Onto the next challenge, onto the next challenge, onto the next thing.” - Jordan [/tweetthis] Resources: LemList SunriseKPI Productize Audience Ops ProcessKit   Carthook  As always, thanks for tuning in. Head here to leave a review on iTunes.

It’s been a little while but Brian and Jordan are back behind the mics. On today’s episode, they’re talking about vacations, a long first week back, marketing, big news with Carthook, cold emails, and guest features.

[tweetthis]“I wanted to get things moving and basically get things up and running, so I hired a marketer” - Brian [/tweetthis]

Here are today’s conversation points:

  • Carthook, Shopify, and working together
  • How Shopify works
  • What cold emailers get wrong
  • Conversion rates and automation
  • Initial onboarding systems and portals
  • Guest features
  • Questioning ourselves
  • Benedict Deicke’s Tweet
[tweetthis]“The wins don’t last very long. They just whiz by and then it’s just like, ‘Onto the next challenge, onto the next challenge, onto the next thing.” - Jordan [/tweetthis]





Audience Ops



As always, thanks for tuning in. Head here to leave a review on iTunes.

The Next Chapter in the Product
Broadcast by