We’re back in the studio with a very special agenda… in that we don’t have an agenda today. So we turned to Twitter to ask listeners and followers what topics they would be interested in hearing about. If you have a question or a comment you’d like us to cover in a future episode, feel free to tweet it to us! Today we cover everything from product management to marketing to hobbies.
[tweetthis]“To me the most important part of [product management] is the customer feedback.” - Brian [/tweetthis]
Here are today’s conversation points:
Product Management with ProcessKit and CarthookHiring and delegating in the early days of a product or businessMarketing these days is a puzzleTwitter addictionsManaging product requests from usersMarlo, the special guestHow much time and money do you spend on hobbies?COVID budgetingFamily and school plans for the futureTwitter conversations:Financing and FundingDay-to-day tasks: A Day in the Life of Jordan GalHow we feel about our businesses and progress
[tweetthis]“It’s a muscle; that ability to trust other people with very very critical things. It’s not an easy thing to get over.” - Jordan, on delegating important tasks to someone else[/tweetthis]
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It, by Michael E. Gerber
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Twitter: @JordanGal
Twitter: @CasJam
Audience Ops
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We’re back in the studio with a very special agenda… in that we don’t have an agenda today. So we turned to Twitter to ask listeners and followers what topics they would be interested in hearing about. If you have a question or a comment you’d like us to cover in a future episode, feel free to tweet it to us! Today we cover everything from product management to marketing to hobbies.
[tweetthis]“To me the most important part of [product management] is the customer feedback.” - Brian [/tweetthis]
Here are today’s conversation points:
Product Management with ProcessKit and Carthook
Hiring and delegating in the early days of a product or business
Marketing these days is a puzzle
Twitter addictions
Managing product requests from users
Marlo, the special guest
How much time and money do you spend on hobbies?
COVID budgeting
Family and school plans for the future
Twitter conversations:
Financing and Funding
Day-to-day tasks: A Day in the Life of Jordan Gal
How we feel about our businesses and progress
[tweetthis]“It’s a muscle; that ability to trust other people with very very critical things. It’s not an easy thing to get over.” - Jordan, on delegating important tasks to someone else[/tweetthis]